Monday, May 7, 2007

Sharing thoughts

I highly encourage you to read each other's blogs. Hope some of you will continue beyond this course. I think our online program could benefit from more mutual encouragement and sharing of ideas, as well as resources. It's good to hear from each other, not just the instructor. I'll try to keep blogging (for that one person who is really reading!)

I'd love to hear what you thought about the use of blogs - even if you didn't try the approach.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

more May events

I forgot another event coming up next week. My son is supposed to return from his backpacking in South America. I've been somewhat anxious not knowing where he is and hearing from him very irregularly. So, I'll be glad to see him and have him home briefly. Maybe I can share a picture from his trip and describe an adventure or two.

Also coming up is graduation. Students really do finish the program - Master's and doctoral! I look forward to seeing some grads at the reception after the actual ceremony. Congratulations to all who are finishing!

May and more

Just in case anyone wonders...Jazz Fest was great. The weather was fantastic - in between torrential rain storms and days of flooding. We relaxed with music, ate fair-type junk food, saw lots of friends, and engaged in much people watching. I'm already looking forward to next year.

This weekend is the annual trek to a family reunion in Louisiana, carrying on family traditions. We plan to eat some crawfish and visit with many family members. Tonight, when I had planned to finish grading, the university server is down. Maybe I didn't really want to finish early (or on time). Sorry to make anyone wait.

We're finishing the edits on the practicum textbook. Maybe that little project can really be checked off the list soon. Next we'll see if anyone wants to adopt the book as a text. I'm not expecting that we can splurge from the profits. We might be able to go to the local ice cream shop though.